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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Lake Ontario Net Pens -- An Oswego NY Success Story...

Oswego NY Net Pens 

    The world class fishery that exists in the waters of Lake Ontario did not just happen by chance. It is the work of dedicated NYS and US fishery professionals who have set and achieved lofty goals. These accomplishments have resulted in the creation of  our wonderful world of trout and salmon angling. For over thirty years Lake Ontario fishing has provided recreational and charter opportunities that have left many a fisherperson with ear to ear smiles. Is it that good? You bet it is! 

    I believe that three things have led to Lake Ontarios success, quality fishery management, quality fishery scientists and quality volunteers. What do I mean by quality volunteers? Let me tell ya!  Over the years volunteers have performed myriad valuable tasks. Things like stream clean up, keeping fishing log data, help with fin clipping, serving on fishery advisory groups and on and on. Notice I said quality volunteers and not the quantity of volunteers, for like most efforts the work of a few benefits the many. It is no different than any other voluntary undertaking no matter what the cause. That is just the way it is.

     The Oswego NY Lake Ontario Net Pens project is the result of hard work by a reliable few. The results of their contributions benefit all who use the fishery. Building the pens, maintaining them, feeding the fish housed in the pens, cleaning the pens, monitoring fish condition and growth, releasing the fish at the proper time, removing the pens from the water, cleaning the pens and storing them, then repeating the process year after year. It is this effort by quality volunteers that has made a huge difference in fishing success. The scientists call it catch per unit of effort. Once the fish are stocked, the forces of nature always prevail; however, it does help when those critters to be placed into the wild get a head start. That what the pens do.

Oswego NY Net Pens 

     Fishing organizations such as the Eastern Lake Ontario Salmon and Trout Association, certainly finds many volunteers as their members. It is ELOSTA that keeps net pen donation funds and pays the bills for the effort. They provide a great service. The Oswego Port Authority provides space for pen storage and the Oswego Pro Am and Mustad Challenge provides venues for collection pen maintenance donations.

   It is really quite interesting to see just how great the system works. If you would like to donate to the pen project fund, check out Tom Allens trolling fly web site, for the net pen board game click here.Tom is donating a copper rod and reel setup valued at $350.00 with proceeds from a 100 square big board going to the pen fund. Tom is not only one of our volunteers, he continues to be a huge help in raising needed funds.

    Thanks to the work volunteers and all who contribute dollars to the project. Like I always say, It's great to be a "Lake Ontario troller." 

Posted By: Capn Gerry Bresadola @ 2:23:37 PM


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