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Monday, January 25, 2010Breaking Wind
This blog title needs some clarification. It is not about what you may think, however, it is about windy things. The rhetorical winds emanating from our nations capitol have elevated to hurricane force as our elected officials trudge forward with never before seen spending adventure. While this is going on, states like California and NY drift toward bankruptcy. Climate change fanatics and cap and trade believers seem to be interested in tightening the choke hold on the general working public. Polls show most Americans do not | |
agree with the direction of our political wind blowers,
yet the bloviators simply will not listen, as they continue to print
more money and then spend it. The latest winds in the lake area are being fueled by the
recently announced preliminary plans to erect hundreds of wind turbines along
the shoreline of Lake Ontario. Now when I say shore line I am talking about
following the shore line but actually building the huge generating structures
off shore, right in the middle of a major bird flyway and smack dab on top of
fish spawning grounds. Remember the wind turbine farm that Senator Kennedy did
not want built within his view from his Hyannis home, well how do you feel about
dumping the tri blade behemoths into Mexico Bay? We are talking about hundreds
of turbines.
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