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Wednesday, January 4, 2012


  What can we expect in 2012?  How about more of the same, and by that I mean more wonderful Lake Ontario fishing. Based upon last season's results it looks as though the fishery remains robust. Bait populations and 2011 fishery catch reports clearly indicate that good times will continue in the upcoming 2012 season. 

  Our fishery, based on state of the art stocking methods, is now enhanced by fin clip

verified wild fish reproduction that can only improve catch rates. Since NYS's salmon and trout program began in the late sixties, the lake has shown a remarkable history of adaptive resilience to the many challenges it has faced. Zebra and quagga muscles, ruffe, gobies, spiny water fleas and a myriad of other exotic invaders have threatened the lake's ability to sustain life as we were accustomed to seeing. Yet for some inexplicable reason, natural adaptation occurs and at least as far as our fishery goes, salmon and trout angling remain top flight. Mother nature at her best for sure.

   Other good news, at least in my humble opinion, relates to the failure of wind farm proponents to gain approval to plant hundreds of ugly, government subsidized, inefficient wind turbines smack dab into Lake Ontario near shore waters. In my opinion another government subsidy boondoggle has been thwarted. The lake will remain undisturbed, at least for now. Did you know that many wind farm projects have already been abandoned? Hmmm!

   I am happy to report that I have joined forces with Capt. Tom Burke and his Cold Steel fishing operation to create a two boat charter fleet to better serve our present and future customers. My 31' Dixie Dandy will be joined by Tom's 36' Egg Harbor, Cold Steel, to provide one of the most experienced, well equipped, and customer friendly operations on the lake. We will work closely to provide our customers with a productive and enjoyable day on the water. Tom is an ardent tournament fisherman with several wins on his resume and he is one of the top drift boat guides targeting salmon and steelhead on various Lake Ontario tributaries. 

Interested in a multi boat outing? We are at your service.  


Thousands of dollars in prizes

Spring     May 4th thru May 13th
   Jun 16th thru Jul 29th
         Aug 17th thru Sep 3rd

 Check out  for details: (including entry fees, rules and one day pass options)

   We are now entering our 4th year of a fish identification program designed to differentiate between wild and stocked salmon. Stocked salmon have an adipose fin clip, (last fin on the back) to separate them from wild fish. This year this program will provide accurate data into the makeup of the salmon fishery population.

     This is extremely important to the future of the predator / prey balance as it relates to the sustainable food chain makeup. It is this type of quality fishery science that insures our lake's status as a truly world class fishery. It takes good science to produce good fishing, however, a watchful eye must be kept on those who look to save money by abandoning the stocking program in favor of a total commitment to a wild fish only, boom or bust fishery methodology. Not good, not good at all.

Let's go fishing  

I can't wait to get started.  Hope you will join us in 2012, it's going to be a terrific season.



Posted By: Capn Gerry Bresadola @ 7:14:38 AM


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