The title of this blog does not
include a transposition error in the second word. It is actually just what it
says and it simply and clearly defines a serious problem. Here is the scoop on
our latest potential Great Lakers invader, the Asian Carp. This fish could
become the most troublesome exotic species that the lakes will ever encounter.
The Carp has reached the doorstep of Lake Michigan as it moves north through the
waters of the mighty Mississippi from
southern states where it was introduced
to US waters. Presently, it is only several miles from Chicago and its entrance
to Lake Michigan.
If it gains a foothold in the Great Lakes one can almost
predict a major impact on commercial, salmon and trout sport fishing as we know
it. The results could be devastating to the billion dollar fishing industry and
that includes sport fishing!
To combat the invasion, after much shouting and lobbying by
environmentalists and sport fisherman, our federal government has finally agreed
to provide 78.5 million smackers that may or may not stop the advance. Time is
on the side of the fish and the dollars provided may be too little too late. The only sure way to prevent the fish from
reaching the Great Lakes is to close the canal waterway connecting the
Mississippi basin to Lake Michigan. The feds are going to provide funds to
further study the matter. Now doesn't that sound familiar? To be fair it would
be a major task to close or divert the canal. They will also try to strengthen
the currently employed electronic pulse barrier system that is the last point in
the water way where we hope we can stop the advancing fish. The electronic
system has been in place for some time and has provided protection, so improving
it should definitely help.
Other promising deterrents are also in the works but it will
take time to see if they will work effectively. Right now the only sure way to
stop the migration is to close the canal, but this will not happen because of
commercial shipping traffic.
This Crap, yikes I mean Carp, has been moving north since the
70's and can reach nearly 100 pounds. It is a ferocious plankton eater and more
than likely will upset the lake's already under duress food web chain, and
that's not good. It was brought to the US to control algae in southern ponds and
like the southern creeping vine plant known as Kudzu, it is a well intended
"fix" gone wrong.
For some reason the fish will leap several feet out of the
water when disturbed by a fast moving boat. Several low profile bass boat
operators have actually been hit by leaping fish which resulted in injuries to
operators and passengers. Just imagine moving at 30 to 40 mph and running into a
big ole fish. Now that would hurt. There are plenty of videos on You Tube
showing the leaping fish striking boaters, just search the key words "Asian
Carp." I drove up to Oswego the other day to check things out. Work is
going on at the marina to repair construction problems with the recent harbor
upgrades. You know the old adage "if at first you don't succeed etc. etc." Well
they did not succeed so they are trying again. I am sure they will get it right
this time.
The fish that will be stocked in our net pens are snuggled in
their tanks at the hatchery and are doing great. New pen water temp. monitors
will provide another tool for raising and stocking the healthiest fish possible.
This program has been a hell of a success and bodes well for the future of the
fishery. It also speaks well of the volunteers who support the lake wide pen
I can't wait for the start of our 2010 lake fishing
adventure. I hope to see you in 2010 as I expect yet another fabulous fishing
season. It is not too early to call us for a charter date. We hope you will join
us on the DIXIE DANDY and like I always say, "it is still great to be a Lake
Ontario troller".